Relationship between snuff and cancer

The risk of developing any related tumors snuff is determined by several factors:
- Start date smoking.
- Number of cigarettes smoked daily.
- Duration of smoking.
- Augmentation with other toxic factors.
- Physical state.
- Individual susceptibility
Experts note that snuff reduces life expectancy between 7.5 and 10 years.
Respiratory cancer
Smoking is the cause of 95% of lung tumors, the leading cause of death from cancer disease; 82% of the larynx and 90% of the oral cavity (lip, tongue, salivary glands) and pharynx. The combination of snuff and alcohol increases the risk of developing oropharyngeal cancer. In the case of lung cancer, reduced life expectancy is proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked and duration of smoking. However, not always there is already an incipient tumor development, if you stop smoking the risk of lung cancer is almost equals that of nonsmokers after 15 years.
Furthermore, passive smokers have a higher risk for this type of cancer to people who are not exposed to smoke snuff.
Cancer of the digestive system
80% of cases of esophageal cancer can be attributed to smoking, and that even he reach mucus and saliva, from the upper respiratory tract, impregnated with snuff smoke constituents. Also, if the snuff is combined with alcohol, this risk is multiplied by 17. With regard to stomach cancer, smokers have a risk three times higher than non-smokers. However, with respect to pancreatic cancer only it considers the risk is increased in heavy smokers.
Cancer of the urinary system
The most common is the bladder and it is estimated that smokers have a risk three to four times that of nonsmokers. It is also considered that there is an increased risk when the smoker living in an industrial area or working with certain substances, such as solvents or dyes.
Cancer of the female genital tract and breast
The estimate here is that 30% of cervical cancers are caused by snuff and that there is an increased risk of breast cancer, especially in women who smoke more than 30 years.