
Smoking Cessation Therapies

The fundamental requirement for quitting, as with any other addiction, you want to do and be convinced. And it's better to count on the support of a physician or health professional to do it on their own. They can provide not only information about the different treatments available to overcome smoking and the problems that can arise in doing so, but also psychological support. Indeed, psychological support is essential in the treatment of addiction and can range from simple advice not neglect to more complex behavioral interventions, including a personal or group support is included.

With respect to drug treatment it is also preferable to consult with your doctor so that he will advise on the various options available and help you choose the most suitable smoking cessation. Treatments among which can be chosen are varied, although concentrate basically into two groups:
  • Nicotine replacement (NRT) therapy: This is replacing the nicotine in cigarettes by contributing gum, patches, pills and nasal sprays, in order to minimize the effects of withdrawal and reduce the dose gradually until the end of treatment
  • Gum: Free nicotine chewing, what should be done at a leisurely pace to prevent it from being absorbed by the mucosa and the therapeutic effect is reduced. There are different presentations. The initial dose should be decided by the doctor and the treatment can last between 8 and 12 weeks. Its main advantage is that it can be used in a timely manner when the symptoms of withdrawal feel. But it also has disadvantages: if it is associated with other substances such as coffee, you can see reduced efficiency and for the first 15 days nausea, diarrhea, sore mouth and sores may appear, but then disappear.
  • Patches: release the nicotine through the skin and continuously. There are two types of patches: 24 hours and 16 hours (used only while awake). Patches have three different dosages. It often begins with the higher dose and periodically reduced until the end of treatment. The duration of this is 8 to 12 weeks. Its main advantage is the ease of compliance and has little adverse effects.

Nicotine lozenges administered orally act similarly to the gum. The treatment lasts 12 weeks. Its main drawback is you have to watch the clock as it involves taking one or two tablets every two hours. But hardly it has adverse effects.
  • Nicotine nasal spray: allows nicotine inhaled through the nose, so it is assimilated very quickly. It is not recommended for use beyond 12 weeks and should be done in a very controlled manner as it can cause health problems and even nicotine overdose.
  • Non-nicotine drug treatments: There are two drugs that do not contain nicotine and are used for smoking cessation prescription.
  • Bupropion: is a drug originally used to treat depression, but has demonstrated its ability to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal syndrome. Treatment duration is 7 to 9 weeks. Although it is particularly effective in smokers with a history of depression and alcoholism, you have different contraindications and can interact with other medicines. It can also occur, although mild, some adverse effects: insomnia, headache, nausea or anxiety attack.
  • Varenicline: is the only non-nicotine drug developed specifically for the treatment of cessation of snuff. Its mechanism of action causes, besides eliminating anxiety, satisfaction associated with smoking if the patient suffers a relapse and return to smoking is reduced. The treatment lasts 12 weeks. As regards adverse effects, there is a significant medical controversy on the issue, since some studies show that may be increased risk of cardiovascular or have severe behavioral disorders, such as psychosis, hallucinations or ideas accident suicidal. That is why this drug should be used under strict medical supervision.
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