Cardiologic medical examination
Cardiology medical examination can indicate the state of the particular heart and circulatory system in general, in addition to assessing the likelihood that a person suffers some form of cardiovascular disease based on the presence of different established risk factors: high blood pressure , diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking and obesity.
It is recommended that healthy people undergo a medical examination cardiology regularly after age 50, especially is you have any of the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases.
However, the cardiological medical examination is also done in people who already have heart disease or cardiovascular disease in order to assess its general condition and the degree of control of their disease acquired treatment.
General medical examination cardiological tests
Cardiology medical examination comprises first performing a series of tests aimed at obtaining an assessment of overall health:
Blood tests provides data on the various parameters whose alterations may indicate a risk of cardiovascular disease or the existence of a disease.
Taking blood pressure and pulse measurement: high blood pressure and uncontrolled is a cardiovascular risk factor.
Sizing: determination of weight and height and calculating the body mass index (BMI).
Evaluation of cardiovascular risk: the Framingham called test, with which the cardiovascular risk is calculated taking into account age and sex is performed lifestyle and the presence or absence of cardiovascular risk factors.
Other tests are also performed to assess the state of the heart and cardiovascular system:
Spirometry lung function studied.
Stress test measures the response of the heart and lungs to physical effort of varying intensity.
Patients with heart disease
When a medical cardiology is performed on patients who suffer from some type of heart disease or cardiovascular disease, essential information is obtained to assess response to treatment if the disease progresses or not and the degree of control you have over the different risk factors cardiovascular.
More specific tests can be performed depending on the patient's pathology include:
Resting ECG 12 lead.
Stress test.
Eecocardiografía Doppler, especially in a patient with congenital heart disease.
Coronary angiography.
Electrophysiological study.
Calcium Score to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries in order to determine a possible risk of stroke.
In any case the cardiological medical examination must be approached individually, taking into account the history, presenting symptoms, degree of physical activity you do, etc.