Stress tests
The stress test consists of physical exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike while your heart rate and blood pressure is monitored.
It is also known as a stress test and is frequently used in cardiology.
It is a diagnostic technique used primarily to reveal functional abnormalities of the heart that are not detected at rest but may appear in stress situations. If the patient has angina, this test is that it can cause it to diagnose.
During the test, the heart is subjected to intense physical exertion. Often, not resting electrocardiographic abnormalities appear, however, are obvious when the heart is making a strenuous effort.
The stress test is also indicated to know the physical state of a person to start a fitness program or to assess the prognosis of patients who have previously suffered a heart attack.
How is it done
The patient is connected to a monitor on which the electrocardiogram is displayed in real time and continuously.
It exercises smoothly It begins in treadmill or bike.
Every three minutes the stress level increases automatically to the heart to go to accelerate to reach the desired heart rate.
During the test, blood pressure monitoring is every three minutes.
At the time when the patient can not continue the effort to inform the doctor. Then, the test stops immediately and moves to the recovery phase.
It is very important to try to make the maximum effort to ensure that the test results are reliable.
If at any time a serious arrhythmia, changes in blood pressure, changes in the electrocardiogram or the patient experiences progressive angina pectoris, the test will also stop is detected.
The patient should wear comfortable sportswear and shoes suitable for exercise. It is also important to avoid heavy meals in the hours before the test. Prolonged fasting is not recommended. In men with long hair shave it may be necessary so that the electrodes do not become detached and ECG recording quality is.