Stop: Ten great tips for quitting smoking
Quitting smoking is not easy. Even knowing the harmful effects of smoking, quitting smoking is an elusive goal for most people, but not impossible, everyone can do it. Here are some tips that can help you quit smoking:
- Set a date to start. You should stop smoking completely on that day. If desired, the days can reduce the consumption of cigarettes.
- Communicate with family and friends your decision.
- Get rid of cigarettes and ashtrays and clean everything smells like smoke: clothes, furniture, curtains, etc.
- Remove cigarettes and ashtrays car, and instead placed sugarless gum.
- Identify the times you feel more cravings. It may be after the meal, while watching TV, when you drink coffee or alcohol, when you're stressed / a, etc. Think of something else to do in those moments when you wish to smoke more strongly: drinks tea instead of coffee, go for a walk after dinner, etc.
- Change your routine can help you stop smoking. Come at different times or performs many small meals instead of three large meals. Sit in a different or even in a different room chair.
- Keep healthy snacks on hand: carrot or celery sticks, fresh fruit, whole grain crackers, etc. By quitting, it is normal to feel anxious and have wanted to take something in the mouth. Also try to put yourself a straw or a cinnamon stick, pretending to smoke.
- Search support groups. Many health centers have support programs for people who want to quit smoking.
- Get information on products for nicotine replacement (gum, patches, etc.) as they can help you quit.
- There are also some medications that can be helpful in quitting cigarettes, consult your doctor.
And finally, do not be discouraged if you fail, it's normal. Most people need at least two attempts before quitting completely.