The importance of exercise in maintaining health
What is physical activity?
Physical activity is any body movement that results in an expenditure of energy (burning calories). Be physically active means moving.
The power consumption of physical activity occurs as a result of muscle contraction. Up to a third of the energy consumed in muscle contraction is dissipated as heat.
For an active life can be enough to incorporate into the daily life of each some simple activities like walking, climbing stairs, clean the house, dancing, cycling, swimming, running, play ... etc.
These activities burn calories and improve our health.
Data on exercise
It has been shown that regular exercise:
It maintains muscle tone and avoiding postural problems and back pain.
Increases the relative levels of HDL (good).
Lowers elevated blood pressure.
It helps improve body composition by burning fat.
Favors an adequate level of blood sugar.
It improves bone density.
Strengthens the immune system.
It improves mood and reduces the chances of depression.
It helps regulate appetite.
Despite reasons for staying active, many people find it difficult to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives.
The abundance of cars in almost every avenue and the decreasing number of jobs requiring physical activity contribute to 70% of the adult population is inactive enough to be considered sedentary.
A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke in the same way as the snuff.