
Prostate cancer screening

Not knowing the cause of prostate cancer is not possible to develop a prevention strategy that can prevent most cases. So much so, that the most significant risk factors such as age, race and sex (only can occur in males) can not be controlled.

But in recent years some studies are beginning to shed some light on other aspects to those that include preventive direct action, but not very clearly. Some of these studies, for example, seem to relate overweight and obesity with a slightly increased risk of prostate cancer.

Also the practice of regular physical exercise appears to reduce the chances of getting this type of cancer and the presence in the diet of certain vegetables: tomatoes, soybeans, cabbage, broccoli, beans and other legumes. These three factors are indicative of a balanced diet physical exercise and, therefore, avoid being overweight can be a good strategy to reduce the risk of prostate cancer develops.

Another study refers to men taking vitamin supplements of vitamin E and it is clear that too much of this nutrient can promote a greater risk.

What seems significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer is the drug treatment of very frequently benign prostatic hyperplasia benign pathology-an inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is responsible for transforming the body testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the latter being the hormone responsible for the growth of this male gland.

The results of studies in patients treated with these drugs suggest that the treatment itself has no direct effect on mortality from prostate cancer, although yes there are significant differences in relation to the type of cancer that develops: men treated with inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase have less low-grade prostate cancer, but more tumors mid-grade, who are more likely to develop aggressively.
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