
Heart rate

Heart rate is defined as the time that the heart makes the full cycle of filling and emptying of their cameras at a given time. It is always measured contractions per minute, because when we take the pulse thing I noticed is the contraction of the heart (systole), that is when you deliver the blood to the rest of the body.

The pulsations of a person of a given time depend on many variables:
Extrinsic to the individual variables: temperature, height or air quality, time of day or the age of the individual.
Intrinsic subject variables imposed by genetic as height, somatotype, sex.
Conditional and temporary but psychological as fear, love, stress or sleep.
Variables that are properly modified by the person, such as physical activity, the type of physical activity, the time it takes to perform the activity and intensity of this.

During the heart rate increases linearly with the effort. It further depends on several factors:
Degree of physical training.
Type exercise: increases exclusively on static while the dynamic makes with stroke volume.
Temperature and humidity.
These responses occur in the body as a result of a higher requirement of the organism at all levels and these requirements decrease with the cessation of exercise.
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