Benefits quitting of smoking
Quitting smoking is not easy, but it can serve as motivation to know that from the moment you make the decision, your health begins to improve and the risks associated with smoking tend to decrease as time passes:
- In most cases, after 20 minutes a normalization of blood pressure and heart rate occurs.
- At 8 hours tends to improve lung oxygenation due to the non-ingestion of toxic particles are inhaled in the smoke of snuff.
- At 48 hours a normalization of the senses of taste and smell occurs. Two days after quitting, you can start again enjoy the flavors and smells that are lost during the smoking stage.
- At 72 hours it tends to normalization of respiratory function.
- At 6 months, further reducing colds, colds and bronchitis. Beyond producing cancer in the airways, the substances contained in the smoke of snuff can cause characteristic symptoms and a greater predisposition to infectious and inflammatory processes: pharyngitis, sinusitis, colds, etc. After six months, defenses, and overall health have stabilized and the risk to suffer this type of disease is greatly reduced.
- One year after quitting, you can reduce up to half the risk of heart attacks. The major cardiovascular diseases caused by snuff are angina, myocardial infarction, sudden death and stroke.
- At 4-year risk of heart disease it tends to equalize the nonsmokers.
- At 10 years the risk of lung cancer can reach resemble nonsmokers. The snuff participates as a causal agent in lung cancer, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and others. Therefore, after 10 years, depending on factors such as the start date in smoking, number of cigarettes per day, duration of smoking, physical condition, etc. our body is able to recover rates similar to those of nonsmokers risk. Hence the fact that smoking is considered today as the best preventive measure against cancer.
Remember that if you want to take the plunge and quit, you should have medical advice to guide you in a healthy lifestyle, practicing exercise and leading a varied and balanced diet.