Acupuncture for smoking cessation
Quitting smoking is a matter of will. This is something in which all experts agree. The problem in achieving this goal is how to overcome the craving known or withdrawal. In this sense no method guarantees the effectiveness, or even treatments patches or nicotine gum to provide necessary to overcome it.
In the case of acupuncture it seems that the will is again the key to success, although no studies proving its effectiveness in quitting smoking. Experts in this field of Oriental medicine say their main effect is that the patient generates indifference towards snuff or, what comes to the same thing, that solves the problem of craving.
If you go to the original explanation of how it works acupuncture, it is based on the belief that the functioning of the human body depends on the flow of energy produced over a number of meridians in which are located the so-called points Acupuncture, modular allowing the flow of energy to a specific body part, restoring the balance. Thus, the placement of needles at these points would eliminate pain, stress, anxiety and nervous states of imbalance. But until recently there was no reliable studies support the effectiveness of acupuncture from the perspective of Western medicine.
However, in recent times there have been several studies in animal models suggest that acupuncture can balance the secretion of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters involved in the control of their own anxiety and stress of withdrawal. Other studies that have used the MRI suggest that the effectiveness of acupuncture may have an explanation to modulate the activity of brain regions associated with attention, stress and reward.
In the case of acupuncture therapy to quit smoking, the needles are stuck in different parts of the ear. One of them, called shen, is not connected with any particular part of the body, while the rest relate to the kidneys, lungs and appetite. Those who practice this technique to wean the snuff, say that success is achieved in 80-90% of patients. But the fact is that some studies seem to indicate that it is not nearly as high, especially since the withdrawal reappears throughout the first six weeks after treatment.
Acupuncture specialists argue that an important component of success is how long the patient has been smoking, so the higher it is less likely to come to quit or more likely to fall into the habit after some time.